sabato 6 aprile 2019
The only long literary text in Old English is the epic poem Beowulf, that recounts the deeds of the Scandinavian prince Beowulf. During the story, the protagonist comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, to defeat Grendel, that is a monster. Subsequently, he kills Grendel with his bare hands and also his mother with a giant sword that he finds in her lair. Then Beowulf becomes the king of the Geats and finds his realm terrorized by a dragon. After that, the protagonist attacks the dragon, but he doesn't succed, for this reason he follows him in his lair. In the last battle, Beowulf finally slays the dragon, but he is mortally wounded. The poem ends with the funeral of Beowulf.
In this epic poem the character called Beowulf represents the braveness, the goodness and the salvation for the society. Instead, the Dragon represents the fear of the people during that time.
In this epic poem the character called Beowulf represents the braveness, the goodness and the salvation for the society. Instead, the Dragon represents the fear of the people during that time.
THE CELTS began to arrive to England's coasts to colonize the territory from Germany around the 700 BC. They practised agriculture, fishing and hunting and they were orginised in tribes. Moreover, Celts worked iron and worshipped natural elements such as the sun, the moon and everything could be a symbol of something supernatural.
THE ROMANS arrived in the 43 AD, when the Emperor Claudius decided to invade Britain. Furthermore, Romans built different forts, walls, roads and bridges in order to make easier to travel around England. Some of this constructions, still exist nowadays.
THE ANGLO-SAXONS the roman occupancy in England continued until Germanic tribes decided to invade the island. These tribes were the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes who, subsequently, merged into the Anglo-Saxons. Moreover, most of them were fishermen and farmers and they were organised in groupes called clans.
THE VIKINGS lived over one thousand years ago and they came from three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Furthermore, they first invaded England in 793 AD and last invaded in 1066.
THE NORMANS conquest of England happened in 1066. In fact led by William the Conqueror, the Normans won the battle of Hastings and took over the Kingdom of England. In addition, they brought french language and culture.


Thomas Becket was a saint that fought against his best friend called Henri II, the king of England and there he was killed.
Also, the pilgrimage was famous because it was the only way to travel for normal people but also to save their souls. The principal destinations of pilgrimage were Rome, Canterbury and Santiago de Compostela.
The Prioress is one of "The Canterbury Tales", that tells the story of a nun prioress, namely, the abbess of a convent. It might well be understood that the protagonist is very rich and she really cares for her dogs by giving them food that even normal people can't afford. This factor is emphasized by the author to highlight the corruption of the church throughout this period.
The Wife of Bath is a storyteller who recites her autobiography of her travelling around the world as a pilgrim. Furthermore, she confesses that she got married five times and she had many lovers when she was young. Nevertheless, she seems proud of it and she resembles the typical wicked woman of that period.
This is also known as the Dark Ages of humanity's history. Throughout this period the religion is the main thing and it is divided in two faiths: Christianity and Muslim. The Church was corrupted, but then later there will be the Reform. In addition to this, the Pope was being accused of nepotism and also they thought of translating the Bible in order to let other people being able to read it. So, because of the religion there was a sort of regression, people stopped studying Science and started to think that natural events were in consequence of God's punishment.
Furthermore, the theater dies, and the coins disappeared making barter to be practicable again. The main building was the castle and it was made of deep ditches and large walls. They started to live in this building in order to be protected by other populations' invasions.
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